The READ Adult Literacy Program provides FREE confidential tutoring to adults needing reading help, learning English as a second language (ESL), or studying for their GED.
READ tutors provide assistance to those needing help reading, English as a Second Language (ESL) or attaining their G.E.D.
Tutor Report Form
Who can be a READ Tutor?
Any community member is welcome to be a tutor. Tutors are required to keep the names of students confidential.
How much time will be required of me?
One to two hours per week for each student.
Is there training available?
On-site tutor training is provided in the fall, free of charge. Online training is also available throughout the year.
How do I get started?
You can get started by filling out this online form.
Learn to Read
How much does it cost?
It is FREE to meet with a reading tutor.
Get Help With: Reading, Job Forms, Medical Info, Life Skills
Learn English
How much does it cost?
Meeting with an ESL tutor is FREE!
Get Help With: Speaking English, Writing English, Reading English, Citizenship
Get Your G.E.D.
How much does it cost?
GED tutoring is free. A refundable deposit is required for the use of GED materials.
Get Help With: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning through Language Arts, Science and Social Studies