Judith A. Stillion Conference Room
- Kitchen available
- Wifi available
- Restroom available
- Dimensions: 42ft x 57ft
- Maximum capacity of room is 350 people
(200 with chairs only, 100 with tables and chairs)

Small Conference Room
- Wifi available
- Restroom available
- Maximum capacity of room is 10 people
- Meeting table with chairs
Meeting Room Policy
The Library is a community resource providing access to information and a facility where ideas are exchanged. To encourage this, meeting rooms are maintained in the library for both library and community use.
Alpena County Library facilities are intended for library business needs. When they are not needed for library use, meeting rooms are available for use by individuals and groups subject to this policy, related administrative procedures, and other ACL policies. Use of the meeting rooms is subject to the following guidelines:
Library programs and meetings have first priority for meeting room use and are exempt from any restrictions.
A group may be required to reschedule a meeting if it is in the library’s best interest. The library will do its utmost not to interfere with scheduled meetings and adequate advance notice will be given.
Organizations that are located within the legal and contractual area of the Alpena County Public Library may reserve the library meeting rooms at no charge, as long as the person booking the room and is in attendance during the meeting, holds an Alpena County Public Library Card in good standing and none of the below criteria applies.
Fee Criteria:
If at least one of these statements is true, then the below fee will be assessed for reserving a room:
1. I do not have an Alpena County Public Library card.
2. There is a cost for participants to attend the meeting, including hourly rates, retainers, tuition, donations, or dues.
3. Products or services will be sold or marketed at the meeting. Meeting spaces are not available for strictly social events except as determined by the Library Board of Trustees to benefit the library or the community as a whole.
Meeting spaces are not available for strictly social events except as determined by the Library Board of Trustees to benefit the Library or the community as a whole.
Meeting spaces are available during normal operating hours. Requests for activities outside of normal operating hours must be approved by the Library Director.
Meetings will always have at least one adult present who is responsible for the participant’s conduct. An adult is a person 21 years of age or older.
The library director reserves final authority to approve or deny applications for use of the meeting rooms. The director or his/her designee may grant exceptions to the rules.
Groups using any space in the library or on library grounds must abide by the library’s non-discrimination policy and meet Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
Solicitation of library users inside the library or on library grounds is prohibited.
Presentations by a candidate or official ballot question committee, both as defined in the Michigan Campaign Finance Act, MCL 169.201 et seq, or any non-partisan organization regarding candidates or ballot questions are allowed.
All publicity for non-library-sponsored meetings must clearly indicate the name of the sponsoring agency and include the following language: The convictions and attitudes of the groups that use the library meeting rooms do not necessarily reflect those of the Library Board of Trustees. The activity shall not be publicized in such a way as to imply Library sponsorship or Library identification with the group without the approval of the Board of Trustees. (Publicity must NOT give out the library’s phone number).
The library reserves the right to make available the name and phone number of the person or group making a reservation to anyone inquiring about the event.
Groups requesting meeting facilities for a series of meetings must submit, in writing, a list of specific dates and times. The library reserves the right to limit the number of reservations by any organization so that all groups may have a fair opportunity to use the meeting rooms. If a reoccurring reservation is not used two times consecutively, all remaining reservations may be canceled.
Equipment such as coffee pots, projectors, sound equipment, and video players are available for use at no charge and must be requested at the time of reservation. It is the responsibility of the user to determine any technology compatibility issues or needs.
Open flames and incense are prohibited throughout the library except for cooking fuel.
The use of controlled substances is prohibited. Alcohol may be served with permission from the board of trustees with proper licensing. A copy of that license must be provided to the library director.
An admission fee may not be charged to attendees of events in library meeting rooms unless approved by the Library Director.
Groups that do not leave reserved rooms by the Library closing or in time for the next scheduled use of the room will be charged an overuse fee. Groups that fail to leave any room in a clean, undamaged condition or fail to leave the rooms in their original condition, or fail to clean the kitchen, may forfeit the right to use the library meeting rooms and will be charged a cleaning service fee. Any groups staying later will be charged $50/hour to cover extra costs. Staying beyond closing must be approved in advance by the administration or a $100/hour fee will be charged.
Reservations are secured upon receipt of a completed agreement and payment of rental fees. ACL reserves the right to waive fees for community organizations whose mission is consistent with the mission of the library.
For purposes of the First Amendment, Public Libraries are considered a “Limited Public Forum.”
The library neither endorses nor necessarily agrees with the views expressed by any group using the meeting rooms, but does endorse the right of those groups to express their views as long as they abide by the policies and rules governing the use of the Library.
The Library reserves the right to restrict use by those who do not abide by these conditions.