T.A.B. (Teen Advisory Board)
January 14 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
More about TAB:
TAB is a group of teens ages 12 to 18 that are passionate about cultivating and improving library services for teens, TAB members meet monthly to discuss ideas and plan events and programs centered around making the library a teen-friendly space in our community.
TAB members attend and lead teen library programs, work as volunteers for special projects, and act as library ambassadors in their community by spreading the word about library programs and events in their schools, clubs and other social groups. Members have a direct hand in influencing the type of programs and events the library provides for teens and have the opportunity to work closely with library staff to implement and run teen programs and gain valuable volunteer and community experience you can list on a resume or college application.
Still interested in joining TAB? Fill out and submit the application form at https://forms.gle/iUapSbx7a8DBTotU9!