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Any person who borrows a book or any other library material from the Library must own a library card from Alpena County Library. Alpena County Library cards are available free to all people who live in or pay taxes in Alpena County provided they have a permanent address. Cards will be issued to outofdistrict patrons with a driver’s license or other identification at an annual fee of $25.00. The borrower is responsible for all materials checked out on their card. The library must be notified of the loss of a library card.

Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library cards are issued to Alpena County residents for library services including online access to ebooks and other electronic resources. Alpena County Library cards are available free to all people who live in or pay taxes in Alpena County provided they have a permanent address. The Alpena County Library requires official photo identification showing the resident’s name and permanent address.

The following will be accepted:
Michigan driver’s license or State ID card with current Alpena County address or, a picture ID with proof of residency shown by one of the following:
car registration
utility bill
copy of lease or mortgage
copy of property tax statement
postmarked mail

There are two types of library cards:

Juvenile: Issued to individuals through age 17 and entitle the holder to use all materials with the exception of Educational Media and Videos/DVDs.

Adult: Issued upon reaching age 18. Adult cards entitle the holder to use all available materials.


Persons under 18 years of age must have the signature of a parent or guardian on their application cards in order to be issued a card. If the parent/guardian is not a current ACL card holder, the parent/guardian must show the same proofs of residency as required above.

Nonresident students enrolled in Alpena County schools are eligible to register for a library card.

Patrons who live in Alpena County but who do not have proof of address yet may register for a library card either online or in person that will be sent via the USPS. Successful receipt of the card will serve as proof of address.  To apply for a TEMPORARY card online, click here.

The fee for a non-resident library card is $25.00 per person for one year. This allows access to ACL’s services and MelCat borrowing. 

The borrower is responsible for all materials checked out on their card.  The library must be notified of the loss of a library card.

Library cards will be blocked when fees are $15.00 or more

The Alpena County Library reserves the right to refuse a card to a person for failure to meet the above requirements.